
Philosophical Objectives of Education


Naples Christian Academy is a private school dedicated to developing children and young adults with hearts impassioned to love God, minds disciplined to think biblically, and hands prepared to serve their community and the world. 


At Naples Christian Academy, we have designed our Christ-focused academic programs for children in preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school. 


Our qualified teachers provide students of all ages with the necessary tools to achieve and exceed our academy’s rigorous standards. As your children attend Naples Christian Academy, our goal is to shape them for success upon entry to high school, college, and beyond. 


As a private Christian school, we set our requirements higher than average schools in South Florida and work closely with students and parents to help us fulfill our mission statement and vision. 


Our Mission & Vision Shape Our Private School Academic Programs


Our academic programs at Naples Christian Academy (NCA) integrate all aspects of our mission and vision to create a seamless education for all of our private school students.


Authentic Faith


NCA’s objectives in developing hearts impassioned to love God are to teach the following principles: 


  • The Bible is the authoritative Word of God, is the source of all truth, and is relevant, practical, and important for today.
  • God is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and man.
  • Man is sinful by nature and lost without God.
  • Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, and the only means for our salvation.
  • Man can only know God and receive salvation and forgiveness by receiving God’s gift of grace through faith in Christ alone.
  • There is a necessity of knowing Christ personally and trusting in Him for all things.


Academic Excellence


NCA’s objectives in developing minds disciplined to think biblically can be seen in these tactics: 


  • We expect and encourage a high level of performance from each student.
  • We challenge each student to accept individual responsibility for his or her academic progress.
  • We teach students to work both independently and cooperatively.
  • We develop the creative skills of each student.
  • We develop an appreciation of the fine arts.
  • We help the student develop strong communication skills.
  • We teach the student the knowledge and skills required for future academic experience and occupational competence.


Personal Responsibility


NCA’s objectives in developing hands prepared to serve come through our dedication to teach our students the following principles:


  • Our students manifest fairness, courtesy, kindness, truthfulness, and honesty.
  • Our students accept responsibility for his or her own actions and to discern clearly between right and wrong.
  • Our students use his or her responsibility to reach out to others by sharing his/her faith.
  • Our students apply biblical ethics and standards of morality to every facet of life.
  • Our students develop a desire for wholesome physical and mental recreation.
  • Our students are intentional about meeting needs and serving others in the community and the world.


Learn More About Academics at Our South Florida Private School


Please call our school office at 239-455-1080 to schedule a Free Educational Success Consultation with our Headmaster. Through a consultation, you can learn more about our program and its ability to meet the needs and goals you have for your child. We look forward to meeting you.