Christ Centered
Naples Christian Academy’s mission of developing hearts impassioned to love God, minds disciplined to think biblically, and hands prepared to serve could not come to fruition without the essential teaching of a comprehensive Bible curriculum. NCA’s Bible curriculum is focused on teaching students to think critically about their faith. Students are expected to defend their faith, and not simply to recite doctrine. Bible curriculum is implemented through weekly Chapel, daily Bible lessons, and Biblical integration throughout the academic content areas.
Through developmentally-appropriate Bible teaching, students develop a concept of God and of humanity that ultimately shapes their values and character. Character traits such as honesty, perseverance, patience, integrity, and humility are taught as part of the Bible curriculum and are modeled by faculty and staff.
Additionally, every NCA student is engaged in a class community service or mission project that allows the ministry of NCA to stretch beyond the walls of the school building and to impact the community, the nation, and the world. Through these projects, students recognize and understand they are set apart by God for His purposes, and that they have the ability to make an impact as students. The life they live will reflect the principles of God’s Word, and they will influence the world.
Although Bible curriculum is taught as a core subject, biblical truth is woven into all academic areas so that students learn to apply their faith to all subject areas and daily life. It is because of the development of this type of critical thinking that students at Naples Christian Academy today will become the leaders of tomorrow.