


We are dedicated to encouraging our students to grow deeper in their knowledge of God’s Word. When we gather together for our weekly chapel times, our teachers and our students sing praises to our Lord and are encouraged by the sharing of biblical truth and how we can apply it to our daily lives.


We start our week out strong with an enthusiastic, gathering in the chapel for Mighty Monday, a time for praise songs, prayer, and a word of encouragement for God’s Word to keep Christ in the forefront of our thoughts and actions.


Our teachers are impassioned to encourage our students to grow deeper in their knowledge of God’s Word. In addition to daily Bible lessons, each student participates in a weekly time of worship and a variety of experiences centered upon truths from His Word.


  • Our preschoolers sing joyously and listen to stories to encourage them to love our great, big God.
  • Kindergarten through fifth grade learn to put God first in everything through songs of praise and practical messages from God’s Word.
  • Our middle school students are guided to grow deeper in their personal walk with Christ through various speakers, skits, small group mentoring, and personal testimonies.


The students learn to develop a passion to truly worship God with their lives, how to love themselves and others as God intended, and develop a desire to serve others.


We are thankful for chapel at Naples Christian Academy, where “in all things He is pre-eminent” (Col. 1:18).