Core Values
Biblical Philosophy
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. In addition, the Word of God is the source of all truth, religious and secular, and is authoritative in all matters of life. Therefore, a thoroughly biblical philosophy of education must be implemented in all contexts of Christian education. In addition, the teaching of Bible as a core subject is essential to the academic curriculum.
Parental Responsibility
Parents have the primary and ultimate responsibility for the education of their children. A Christian school education is best achieved through a partnership between parents and educators. The teachers may stand in place of the parents in portions of the educational process but never usurp parental authority or responsibility.
Biblical Integration
Morality, values, and character development must not be compartmentalized; that is, they must penetrate all areas of life. Therefore, the biblical integration of every planned learning experience is crucial to effective Christian education.
Academic Excellence
Every community benefits from individuals who have been taught to pursue excellence. Therefore, the successful Christian school must be committed to academic excellence, maximizing each student’s potential, in order to prepare students for achieving future success and reaching their God-given potential. Mediocrity and poor performance should not be tolerated.
Critical Thinking
All of our thinking and decision-making takes place through our worldview. Students must be trained and learn how to think, process information, and think critically through a biblical framework.
Consistent Discipline
A positive, safe, and accepting environment is conducive for maximum learning. Students must learn self-control, respect for authority, and to take personal responsibility for their own actions and behavior. Therefore, the school’s discipline policies and procedures must be consistent, fair, and loving, and designed to mold hearts as we teach responsibility.
Balanced Education
It is imperative that students learn and retain a core, foundational, body of knowledge in core subject areas such as math, science, English, and history at each grade level. In addition, a well-rounded education addresses the needs of the whole person (spirit, heart, body, and mind). An emphasis must be placed on the acquisition of this foundational learning in the core academic subjects, in addition to Bible. There must also be related arts programs and extracurricular programs for the purpose of developing the total student and providing non-academic options for personal growth, creativity, and development.
Outstanding Leadership
Effective leaders are the core element in the success of any organization. The excellent school will hire and retain the best administrators, teachers, and staff members for the purpose of accomplishing its goals with excellence. Christian school teachers must have a testimony of salvation. Professional development of faculty and leadership are vital for the development and growth of educators and schools. Appropriate certification and continued and constant professional, personal, and spiritual growth are expected of all faculty members. All leaders must be evaluated regularly commensurate with their responsibilities in order to enable each staff member to successfully and productively accomplish the goals of the school.
Institutional Accountability
The successful Christian school is a responsible non-profit corporation. The school is responsible fiscally and organizationally to a board of trustees. In addition, the school will be accountable to the accrediting organization. All employees and agents of a public school district, charter school or private school have an obligation and legal responsibility to report misconduct by instructional personnel and school administrators which affects the health, safety or welfare of a student. Such conduct includes such items as drug and alcohol use, disparaging comments, obscene language, prejudice or bigotry, sexual innuendo, physical aggression, etc. Failure to report misconduct may result in penalties up to termination of employment and revocation of an educator’s certificate.Forms for such reporting are available in the main office of NCA and such reports are to be filed with the Headmaster within 24 hours of observing the infraction. In the event, he/she is not available the report should be filed with the Director of Student and Parent Services.
School Improvement
Any successful school must be involved in a plan of consistent evaluation and assessment for continuous improvement. We must never be content with the status quo; rather, we must always seek to improve and grow for the purpose of being the very best we can be as an educational institution and an instrument of God in the development of young lives.
American Heritage
Without confusing our Christianity with blind nationalism, we must study, understand, and appreciate America’s history and Christian heritage. For those of us called to live and labor in America, we have a duty to understand our culture and to bring the gospel to it.